Young People Clinics are all drop-in. Register before the last hour of the clinic – late arrivals may not be seen.

Safer Sex Campaign
In Scotland, cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including gonorrhoea and chlamydia, are increasing among people under the age of 25. The number of infections has more than doubled since 2017. That increase means that 1 in every 200 people aged under 25 has gonorrhoea. If left untreated, it can lead to long term health problems.
The best protection from gonorrhoea, and other STIs, is the correct and consistent use of a condom for vaginal, anal and oral sex.
Public Health Scotland, in collaboration with NHS Health Boards, NHS24 and third sector partners, has developed a prevention campaign including a social media toolkit with assets and suggested captions aimed at people under the age of 25.
For more information visit