Sexual health clinics festive closures – see news item for more information.
Condoms by Post festive closure – see news item for more information.
Sexual Health Services
Pregnancy at an early age can be really positive for some young people. It can be a planned choice and a new beginning. For others, it can increase the likelihood of poverty and reduce or compromise life chances, and this cycle can then repeat from one generation to the next. If you would like to or are trying to get pregnant, there are lots of factors that you need to take into consideration.
NHS Lanarkshire has created a Health B4 Pregnancy animation with some useful advice. The main things you need to think about before becoming pregnant or to maximise your chances of a healthy pregnancy and the best possible outcomes for you and your baby if you do decide to become pregnant are:
Waiting until you are pregnant to improve your health can be too late, especially if you don’t know you are pregnant for the first few weeks. Planning pregnancy is important to ensure you have time to prepare your body for pregnancy and be as healthy as you can be.