Young People Clinics are all drop-in. Register before the last hour of the clinic – late arrivals may not be seen.
Condom Distribution Schemes
C Card
The condom distribution scheme in Lanarkshire is designed to provide free condoms to local residents in order to: reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and reduce the number of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV infection. All work is carried out in line with National Strategies from the Scottish Government:
The Free Condoms No Fuss C Card Scheme is the biggest part of the Lanarkshire condom distribution scheme. We provide free condoms at 118 centres for anyone who lives, works or studies in Lanarkshire and is aged 13 and above.
If you would like to find out more about the scheme or if you work within a pharmacy or GP surgery who would be interested in joining the scheme, please contact the Health Promotion Team on 0300 303 0216.
This number can also be used to access the Condoms by Post service, where condoms can be posted to your home address if you are a Lanarkshire resident and you are unable to get to a C Card Centre.
Just Ask
The Just Ask Scheme is one of three condom distribution schemes provided through NHS Lanarkshire’s Health Improvement Department. They are part of a holistic approach to the promotion of positive sexual health, in keeping with the aims of the Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Action Plan: 2023 to 2026 (Scottish Government).
The schemes aim to:
- Reduce the number of unintended pregnancies
- Reduce the number of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV infection
These will be achieved by:
- Increasing the availability and accessibility of condoms for the general public, but particularly for key target groups
- Reducing the barriers of financial cost and embarrassment in getting condoms
- Providing information on sexual health services
The Just Ask scheme is targeted to vulnerable or high risk groups of people supported by existing services that may also have difficulty accessing primary care services to access condoms. Organisations working with at risk groups may be eligible to be part of the Just Ask Scheme and can support the promotion of positive sexual health by making free condoms readily available to at risk groups, through promoting and distributing them within their own service or workplace.
The scheme is targeted to groups of people including those who are:
- hard to reach through mainstream services
- engaging in high risk behaviours
- have difficulty accessing mainstream health services
- vulnerable and at risk of social exclusion
- on a low income
At the moment there are currently 100 organisations across Lanarkshire who are members of the Just Ask Scheme. These organisations support a variety of vulnerable groups, including:
- People experiencing homelessness
- People from minority ethnic groups
- Travelling people
- People seeking asylum
- People experiencing drug and alcohol misuse
- Intravenous drug users
- People working in the sex industry
- People on low incomes or unemployed
- Vulnerable young people, including care experienced young people
- People with justice system involvement
- People with mental health conditions
- People with learning and other disabilities
- Older people
Similar to the C Card scheme, Just Ask can be accessed by young people aged 13 and over who are accessing the services signed up to the scheme. Any young people aged under 13 would not be provided with condoms and would instead be referred to additional services due to potential child protection issues.
If you would like to find out more about the scheme or if you work within an organisation who would be suitable and interested in joining the scheme, please contact the Health Promotion Team on 0300 303 0216.
Get Rubbered
This is a free confidential scheme run by the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) Scotland. It is a postal service for gay and bisexual men living in Lanarkshire who require condoms and lubricant (lube) for anal sex.
Free condoms and lube can be posted directly to your address in a discreet wrapper. The Get Rubbered Scheme provides an alternative to the C Card Scheme for men who have sex with men who may be concerned about identifying their sexual orientation when asking for particular condoms via the C Card Scheme.
To register for this scheme or to find out more, visit or contact Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland on 0141 332 3838