Young People Clinics are all drop-in. Register before the last hour of the clinic – late arrivals may not be seen.
All services are confidential, including the young people clinics, however if you are under 16 years of age and share some information which may place you or someone else in danger, staff have to share the information disclosed with other agencies.
The information you provided on registration at any of the Lanarkshire clinics is stored on the national sexual health computer system (NaSH) in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Access to this information is strictly controlled. Key staff working in sexual health services in Scotland can see that your record exists, but clinical information can only be accessed by staff within the working in sexual health services in Lanarkshire. If a patient attends a sexual health service in another board they will be asked if they want to create a new identity or just use the same record. Only staff directly involved in their care, or investigating complaints or clinical incidents are allowed to access this information.
Service information such as the number of users, their ages, and reasons for attending may be used to carry out research and audit projects in order to improve services. This information does not identify individuals.