Young People Clinics are all drop-in. Register before the last hour of the clinic – late arrivals may not be seen.
It is useful for parents and carers to know that primary schools now introduce universal terms for private body parts at Primary 1. This includes penis, vulva and nipples. They have done this because they need to have a common language in school that children have permission to use and that is accurate. Some nurseries now also use these terms with children.
Many adults were not taught these words growing up and can feel uncomfortable using them with children and young people as they can be thought of as ‘sexual’ words. Young children do not have these associations and usually consider these words to be as normal as any other part of the body like “arm” or “knee”.
If we want to be clear about what children mean when they talk to us about their body and touch, then we need to teach them accurate language.
There is also evidence to suggest that in cases of abuse and child sexual exploitation, abusers use the correct names for body parts, so it is essential that young people know what these are so they can accurately report if someone has inappropriately touched them.