Young People Clinics are all drop-in. Register before the last hour of the clinic – late arrivals may not be seen.
See below for a selection of videos about sexual health topics.
Sexual Health Week videos
These videos are about how condoms can keep you safe and how you can get condoms by post. They were produced for Sexual Health Week.
Keep safe
Condoms by post
Talk about STIs/condoms
‘Sexual Health Explained’ Videos (LANDED)
LANDED is a charity for young people in Lanarkshire. Their members helped to make the DVD ‘Just so you know, Sexual Health explained’.
STI overview
Services animation
Condoms Demo
Chelsea’s clinic visit
Porn isn’t real life
Dylan’s clinic visit
Doctor interview
Cold sore dilemma
Genital herpes
Genital warts
Pubic lice
Boys Puberty Videos
Traditionally, much puberty material both focuses on, and engages, young females more than young males. This is our attempt to redress that balance. We hope you find these video clips useful as you deliver lessons around the subject of puberty and growing up. Content is split into five sections: