Young People Clinics are all drop-in. Register before the last hour of the clinic – late arrivals may not be seen.
What is Normal?
Have you ever looked in the mirror and not been happy with what you see? Do you ever think; I look fat in this, look at the state of my hair today, my boobs are too big, my penis is too small…? You are not the only person who thinks like this, so don’t panic. If you asked anyone if they were completely happy with the way they looked, the answer would probably be NO! Our brains are trained to think this way every time we look in the mirror because our society is heavily influenced by the idea of an ‘ideal’ body image. This has a lot to do with magazines, music videos, films, celebrities and the ever-expanding images that appear in our social media feeds.
We are all different, we come in different shapes and sizes and that’s what makes us all unique. Being young, our bodies change all the time, they are still developing. Your body will change and that’s a good thing, don’t be frightened as it changes, just remember everyone around you will be changing too.
Don’t let the worries of your changing body get to you; your friends and family will be happy to speak about it and your friends might even be desperate to talk about the same issues! We are all different, that’s what makes us special – it is really important to remember that when thinking about what is normal.